
Here we are

Be formal or informal, it does not really matter. Just do not be shy and contact us as provided below.

Contact details

Visit us in Brno

+420 541 422

Řípská 1549/11a
627 00 Brno
Czech republic


Are you looking for a certain person?

We are at your service

Surface Quality Institute

Ing. Tomáš Morcinek

Ing. Tomáš Morcinek

Director of SQI

+420 730 800
Ing. Marek Kejík

Ing. Marek Kejík

Head of Laboratory

+420 739 002
Ing. Monika Kuběnová, Ph.D.

Ing. Monika Kuběnová, Ph.D.

Laboratory Technician

+420 730 800
Ing. Jan Staněk

Ing. Jan Staněk

Deputy Head of Laboratory

+420 730 800
Jana Vaľková

Jana Vaľková

Sales Officer

+420 730 800
Zuzana Lačňáková, DiS.

Zuzana Lačňáková, DiS.

Environmental Specialist

+420 730 800
Ing. Táňa Lašová

Ing. Táňa Lašová

Quality Manager

+420 541 422

Invoicing information

Some necessary data

ITS Brno

IDEAL-Trade Service, spol. s r.o.
Řípská 1549/11a
627 00 Brno
Czech republic

IČO: 489 08 126
DIČ: CZ48908126

The company is registered with the Regional Court in Brno, Section C, File 11234

ITS Trenčín

IDEAL - Trade Service spol. s r.o.
Bratislavská 553/76
911 05 Trenčín

IČO: 317 00 659
DIČ: SK2020495609

The company is registered with the Regional Court in Trenčín, Section: Sro, insert number: 21549/R